Sunday, February 9, 2014

Surowono temple

Surowono temple

Candi Surawana or Surowono was built in 1390 AD and consecrated in 1400 as a memorial to Wijayarajasa, prince of Wengker. The prince was a vassal and uncle by marriage of Rajasanagara (the king of the Hindu empire Majapahit also known as Ayam Wuruk) and wielded much power in is time. He died in 1388 and according to custom the Srada ceremony was held for him twelve years later.

The temple was built of andesit on a foundation of brick. Only the base of the temple remains, reaching a height of 4.6 m. It forms a square with a side of 8 m, not counting the staircase on the west side which led to the inner chamber which has disappeared.

The sides of the temple are decorated with finely detailed basreliefs.
At the corners of the base we see ganas upholding the building with their arms. Between them are pictures of daily life and fables. Among the latter the story of "heron, fish and crab". The heron wanted to catch fish and wore a headdress to disguise himself as a shaman. But the crab sees through his disguise and kills him by pinching him by the neck.

The main story depicted by the upper band of reliefs is the Arjunawiwaha, composed in 1035 AD by the poet Mpu Kwana. The story is very famous and until this day the subject of drama and paintings. The first episode is Arjuna's meditation on the east-facing wall, when Arjuna is tested by the gods three times. Going around we then see Arjuna's battle where he is assisted by Suprabha, and finally his reward in heaven where he marries seven heavenly nymphs.
The story is interrupted by vertical panels on the corners depicting scenes of other stories.

Address: Surowono hamlet, Canggu village, Pare district.

Directions: From Pare town square take Jalan HOS Tjokroaminoto north for a few km. At the second traffic lights (near a mosque) turn right, then at a T-crossing left and the next road right again. Here you are in Canggu village, drive another km to Surowono hamlet, where you find the temple on the left side of the road. Total distance form Pare town square: 5.5 km, from Kediri: 28 km.


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